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Demon Lord • 1 year ago

WTF is Midoshuji doing 😂

Cowboy Henk • 1 year ago

i know it is sad we were all cheering for him but you need to know he is doing this practically all alone, if only he had a slightly better team

DJK1NG_Gaming • 1 year ago

"we were all cheering for him"
who we??

Mr.Chubs • 1 year ago

yea, there's we. We all know that midoshuji is kindhearted, but he got betrayed by fate.

Tsukkiss my ass • 1 year ago


Reisen • 1 year ago

we? of course we, including me. I cheer for him this season. Maybe not season 1, but this season definately him

30170 • 1 year ago

chads like him and naruko definitely needs to take a w, im also rooting to the carefree boy in hakone manami

Con D Oriano • 1 year ago

He did have Komari this time so slightly better than last year, at least if no Komari he could have stopped a while by Shinkai. But you're right if his team was better he was basically unstoppable

To be honest I think Mido had a better team last year XD they were weaker on paper but at least Ishigaki pulled for him as long as he could. Komari just like stopped caring halfwa through lol.

Keeper_everwood • 1 year ago

Komari was pretty good but all he cared about was muscles. Dude wasn't interested in winning (other than versus Izumida) and pretty much underperformed, so Midosouji still had to carry all the burden.

Masumi • 1 year ago

Idk, I was kinda cheering for the rain to trip him up as he's trying to trip Imaizumi...

Brian Self • 1 year ago

For his fans he was showing off is birthday cakes

Krazy_Kirby • 1 year ago

being midosuji

vovan1 • 1 year ago

come on revive dude!

Xyrus • 1 year ago

Midousuji's backstory really always got me, his mother is really just so kind and wholesome.

That random dumbass • 1 year ago

well he was basically soloing a 6man team sport.

Limex1515 • 11 months ago

Poor Mido... always trying to solo the Inter-High...
Really Hope he actually gets a competent team next year for his last Inter-High..
Honestly my list of the teams I want the in went as:
2.) Kyoto Fushimi
3.) Hakone...

If Mido won I would accept it honestly, its rough soloing against 2 teams that have 6 strong members each... while you have 4 weak members plus one member that doesn't care but winning but only other dudes muscles, extending his hands into their pantalones in order to get personal with their muscles through their skin....

Man Midoshuji has it rough.. no wonder he acts like that having to shave off necessary baggage and shit... yeesh...

Talos darkbane • 1 year ago

I am so happy karma caught up to that low life again

Daemon Redfox • 1 year ago

midousuji once agains fall a little ahead from the 3 km mark

shouri was not in his hands :/

also, in what moment did midousuji gain the hana hana no mi powers XD

Optimus Prime • 1 year ago

make sense midousuji fall since he pretty much riding alone

Trix • 1 year ago

If only Midousuji had a stronger team around him. But W for the homie winning the water wars.

Nox--- • 1 year ago

I have to say, though. The seyiuu for Midousuji is good. The base idea for the character is excellent, too: Midousuji could never accept his mother's death. Victory has replaced the hospital as a haven, because of her praising him warmly when he won. This is very interesting. Midousuji's obsession with victory is the result of a childhood emotionnal trauma that will push him to look for his mother until he dies of old age himself... Unless he goes looking for a decent psychiatrist...

But it is a shame that such an interesting psychology is only used to force the 'evil antagonist' crap here. This is a sports anime. With such a backstory, i can see plenty of ways Midousuji could have been properly intricate, nuanced, complicated and riddled with contradictions. That would have made for an actually good character...

Hoshigake • 1 year ago

bruh, thats too dirty, my god.. they gave teshima stamina plot armor, they gave naruko will power pushing until he goes blind.. they done midosouji dirty.. too dirty. he was well rested until it was half way too.

Now to see if Hakone can catch up! I imagine they will, otherwise it would be pretty boring.

Tsukkiss my ass • 1 year ago

BRUHHH MIDOUSUJI NEEDS NEW GOOD TEAMMATES NEXT YR FR so this wont happen again + charac development. man sometimes i wish midousuji's team wins

ooo or he and onoda could be in the same college and he'll learn to rely on ppl then. coz so far he showed the most potential w onoda. i think

Mart1231 • 1 year ago

So Midousuji didn't even finish the race...

Krazy_Kirby • 1 year ago

he didn't actually break to stop and help, he just almost did. his lead should still be giant

IStandAlone Roronoa Zoro • 1 year ago

Not again, DAMN IT!!! Midosuji really deserved to at least cross the finish line this year for how hard he worked to get this far, even when his team got better than last year with Komari! Since he is so good, why tf can't they make the final race be a Monster Trio confrontation between him, Onoda and Manami??? They are those teams' strongest riders! I hate it that they used him literally in every season to give Imaizumi the ONLY character development he had in the whole season - he is such a basic and boring character and he can't even solo Naruko in a ride, without giving it his heart and soul and still losing to Naruko sometimes! Beating Midosuji twice to compensate for the loss he had in the regionals is THE ONLY achievement he has in this anime! I so hate this! Midosuji deserved so much more this year! :(

Vince :D • 4 months ago

time for the last boss: Manami

swiza • 1 year ago

Noo, you have to get up!!

Omegadrew • 1 year ago

shut up imaizumi LET MY KING ONODA COOK NOW!!

Brian Self • 1 year ago

Downhill rainy !? Sakamichi bike is actually made of metal from a treno 86

Krazy_Kirby • 1 year ago

worst case wouldn't be a flat, it would be a serious injury, or even a broken neck from a bad flip

majaketrix • 1 year ago

what i notice in this anime is only the front bikers gets tired. even though they ride the same way, they ride the same length. the back bikers are "fresh"

Efreet • 1 year ago

It's actually realistic, people on the front try to push for the big gap at the risk of exhausting themselves, also unlike professional racers those are kids with way less stamina.

The main issue of this season is we already know it will end up as a rematch between Onoda and Manami, so the constant trying to stir up drama and excitement falls pretty flat since we know how the ending will be setup.

majaketrix • 1 year ago

i mean in order for the back bikers to catch up to the lead bikers. they would need to also push themselves to catch up. catching up means doubling your effort. if you do reach the lead group im pretty sure you're gonna be exhausted. and not "fresh"

Efreet • 1 year ago

Obviously but there are opportunities, for example while climbing speed is like 1/3 of what they do on flats.

Just in this episode all our 3 at the front lost a lot of time from passing the water, not showing Hakone in the back was just to stir fake drama but in a real scenario they would be visible in the back at the top of the hill, once the rain stops the water will be drained and they will descend at top speed gaining back some distance.

3 KM to finish means an average of 20ish min of pure climbing, the anime will stretch to 3-4 episodes but it's more than enough for an actual comeback.

majaketrix • 1 year ago

in your example, ok the lead are doing 1/3 of their speed as to the back which are running at full speed... but by the time the back reach the climb. they will also be forced to do 1/3 speed... IF they do go faster, they will be more exhausted once they caught up with the lead.

majaketrix • 1 year ago

if the rain stopped and no more water... #1 means ALOT of time already have passed, no more chance to catch up. #2 it is harder to bike in a muddy slippery road.

urboinemo • 1 year ago

Its pathetic that Midosuji chats all that shit and can't even finish the race. He was supposed to be the king to depose Sohoku from the top, but all he turned out to be was a chump.

Cowboy Henk • 1 year ago

what is friction? the rain acting like the best lube in the world

Ani gamer420 • 1 year ago

Damn what with All the ep we got 4

vovan1 • 1 year ago

3 wore posted last week.

Robert_Sz • 1 year ago

they dropped out Midousuji 3 km before the finish line, just like last season.. ok.. time to drop this piece of 💩 anime.

IStandAlone Roronoa Zoro • 1 year ago

They could have at least made him lose to Onoda or something more significant. Making him lose to that boring character Imaizumi really makes me drop this! Imaizumi was not even a rival in Midosuji's eyes.

And that was his mistake. Imaizumi crushed him last year as well, and his bike was almost broken, if he doesn't consider him a rival he's just an idiot.
Midousuji is good, but he has no team. He has to do everything himself so he always runs out of stamina before the end.

IStandAlone Roronoa Zoro • 1 year ago

I know, aside from that weirdo Komari, the rest are absolutely useless - even more so than his senpai from last year! :(

taijitu • 1 year ago

Bullshit-wamushi no pedal !!!!!